Source code for pdfebc_web.util.file

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains functions for manipulating the file system.

.. module:: file
    :platform: Unix
    :synopsis: File system utility functions.

.. moduleauthor:: Simon Larsén <>
import os
import tempfile
import tarfile
import shutil
from pdfebc_core import compress, config_utils

FILE_CACHE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(config_utils.CONFIG_PATH), 'pdfebc-web')

[docs]class ArchivingError(Exception): """An error to be thrown something goes wrong when archiving a directory.""" pass
[docs]def make_tarfile(src_dir, out): """Make a tar archive from the src_dir. Args: src_dir (str): Path to the source directory. out: Path to the output file. Returns: str: Path to the tarball. Raises: ArchivingError """ if not os.path.isdir(src_dir): raise ArchivingError("'{}' is not a directory!".format(src_dir)) if not os.listdir(src_dir): raise ArchivingError("The source directory is empty!") if not out.endswith('.tgz'): out += '.tgz' with, 'w:gz') as tar: tar.add(src_dir, arcname=os.path.basename(src_dir))
[docs]def compress_uploaded_files_to_tgz(src_dir, gs_binary, status_callback=None): """Compress the files in src_dir and place in a comrpessed tarball. Args: src_dir (str): Path to the source directory. Returns: str: Path to a tarball with the compressed files. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: compress.compress_multiple_pdfs(src_dir, tmpdir, gs_binary, status_callback=status_callback) out = os.path.join(src_dir, 'compressed_files.tgz') make_tarfile(tmpdir, out) return out
[docs]def compress_uploaded_files(src_dir, gs_binary, status_callback=None): """Compress the pdf files in the given source directory and place them in a subdirectory. Args: src_dir (str): Path to the source directory. Returns: List[str]: Paths to the compressed files. """ out_dir = os.path.join(src_dir, 'compressed_files') os.mkdir(out_dir) return compress.compress_multiple_pdfs( src_dir, out_dir, gs_binary, status_callback=status_callback)
[docs]def create_session_upload_dir(session_id): """Create an upload directory for the session. Args: session_id (str): The id for the session. """ directory = get_session_upload_dir_path(session_id) os.makedirs(directory)
[docs]def get_session_upload_dir_path(session_id): """Return the path to the session upload directory Args: session_id (str): The id for the session. """ return os.path.join(FILE_CACHE, session_id)
[docs]def session_upload_dir_exists(session_id): """Check if the session upload directory exists. Args: session_id (str): The id for the session. """ directory = get_session_upload_dir_path(session_id) return os.path.isdir(directory)
[docs]def delete_session_upload_dir(session_id): """Remove all files in the session upload directory. Args: session_id (str): Id of the session. """ upload_dir = get_session_upload_dir_path(session_id) shutil.rmtree(upload_dir)
[docs]def tarball_in_session_upload_dir(session_id): """Check if there is a tarball in the session upload directory. Ags: session_id (str): Id of the session. """ session_upload_dir = get_session_upload_dir_path(session_id) return session_upload_dir_exists(session_id) and \ any(map(lambda filename: filename.endswith('.tgz'), os.listdir(session_upload_dir)))